Sunday, April 27, 2014

How Did I End Up Like This?
As a teen I can remember someone telling me I have thunder thighs, I was 17 years old and had just finished Cheerleading for the year.  I was so upset and really felt "fat"... I was 110 pounds at the time and very fit.  I have to say this has stuck with me all these years.  As a teen I never ate right, pizza, Taco Bell, Wendy's and whole bags of Cheetos (the puffy kind).

I never gained weight until college and I feel like it never stopped.  I would eat pasta with butter on it and pizza.  My dorm was across the street from a McDonald's, I was there everyday.  There was beer and junk food for the weekends.  I was in college for 6 years and for all 6 years I slowly gained weight, I went from 135lbs to 170lbs when I graduated.  When I moved home after graduating more of the same as it came to the food I was eating.  I got sick of the way I looked so I joined Weight Watchers.  I had great success but just could not keep it going.  I slowly went back to poor eating habits. 

Fast forward in to 2005. I got married this year and I started to go to the gym to "get skinny" before my big day.  I did go a few times a week... with my friend... so we talked more then really doing a good workout.  I never got to where I wanted to be with my fitness and weight loss before my wedding. 

After we got married I still did not pay attention to my eating until one day I could not take looking at me in the mirrors... so I went back to Weight Watchers.  Had some success but again could not stick with it.  I had it in my mind I know what I need to do so I just need to do it... a few gym memberships here and there but more of the same.  I just could not stick with it.

Before I knew it I was well over 200 lbs (227 when I was weighted in a my 1st prenatal visit in 2008, I am sure it was more at some point I just would never get on a scale or look in a mirror).   When I was pregnant I used it as a reason to eat what ever I wanted to. This did not help me in my weight issues.  I was very sick during my pregnancy and I ended up losing 20 pounds right off the bat.  I gained some back as the time went on.

After Kyla was born I would pay attention to what I ate here and there but never really but much work into.  I just wanted to weight to fall off... news flash it does not just fall off.  Kyla turned 1 year old and I was still blaming my weight on having a baby. 
 After looking at the picture from her birthday party I knew I had to do something.  I started to count calories using an online group.  It worked but I was not working out and at one point I ended up just standing still with my weight loss and giving up. 
I started a new job in 2011 health and fitness became a bigger thing at work.  We tried to workout together after work but were never constant with it.  My one friend and I started to skip out for Happy Hour after bad days a work... this did not help at all.
In 2013 a coworker (now friend) started a challenge group at work where we would workout with DVDs. 

 I did it here and there... at least 2 times a week but I was not putting my all into it. 
 I thought I was paying attention to my eating but looking back I know I was not doing that .  We started to do a workout called T25.  I fell in LOVE but was not ready to commit to it. Now looking back I wish I had started in July 2013. 
but I know I was not ready then to give it all I have to make these changes stick and go from being a diet to being a lifestyle.  I started T25 in October 2013 and made a such a difference in me I decide to become a Beachbody Coach. I have fallen in love with this journey to change my life and my families as it relates to health and fitness.  I hope to make this blog about my journey in losing my weight, changing my eating and teaching my daughter about healthy living.  I can not wait to share this journey with you.  This has been the biggest change I have ever made in my life and the best part... watching my 5 year old daughter workout with me and ask to eat healthy food!  That makes it all worth it.


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