Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Peach Pie Shakeology

The other day I got some peaches (I know they are not local since it is only June but they looked so good) at a local farm market.  My husband even said you could add them to your Shakeology (yay him for thinking of my healthiest meal of the day).

Today I did just that... I added them to my morning Shakeology. 
I had to share the recipe because it is supper yummy!  

Ingredients (21 Day Fix) 
1 scoop of Vanillia Shakeology
1 purple contaior of sliced peaches 
1/2 a banana (I always add a banana... I think it makes it creamy) 
A dash of apple pie seasoning 
1 cup water (you could add almond milk) 
1 cup ice 
Put all ingredients in a blender and blend
Then enjoy!!! 
Healthiest meal if the day!!! Ask me how you can get your own sample of shakeology now!!! 
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