Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Baked Chicken a Parmesan 21 Day Fix approved

We love Chicken Parm in this house so tonight I made it so it fits into 21 Day Fix Eating plan.  It was very you my I have to say.
This is all made from scratch after work.  So that means it did not take long at all.
I always thought making something homage would take hours but it didn't.  
So let's start with the chicken 
Baked Chicken Parm recipe: 
8 chicken tenders 
4 slices of whole grain bread 
1 Tbsp Italian seasoning 
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder 
Pinch of red pepper flakes 
4 tsp of EVOO 
2 blue containers of parm cheese 
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Take the 4 slices of whole grain bread and toasted.  Then ran it thought my food processor to make bread crumbs.

This was very easy.  I then added Italian about 1tablespoon of Italian seasoning to the crumbs, 1tsp of garlic powder and 1 tsp of onion powder. Next add the cheese. 
 Then in another bowl I added 4 tsp of EVOO.  Dipped your chicken into the EVOO, then into the bread crumb mixture. 
Place onto baking sheet... Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes 

Now for the sauce 

1 28oz can crushed tomatoes 
1 14.5 oz can of tomato sauce 
I used fresh oregano basil and parsley about 2 tbsp each... You could add dry of each of these as well
2 tsp of garlic powder 
Mix all in a pot and cook on medium high until it starts to bubble turn down to low for about 30 min.  

Now onto the "pasta"
Yep that's right it is zucchini!!! Have you tried a veggitti?  You can make noodles out of veggies with it... 1 word: amazing!!! 
So any way... I used 3 zucchini to make enough for 4 servings. 

Now sauté the "pasta" in 4 teaspoons of EVOO and some garlic for about 2-4 minutes. 
Plate you meal now...
1 green with the zucchini pasta
1 red chicken (slice it) 
Pour sauce on top (maybe 1/4 cup you can count it as a green) 

21 Day Fix has been a wonderful program!  I've seen lot of positive changes with my body!  If you are interested in learning more about 21 Day Fix email me!!! This program is changing lives... Including mine! 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Peach Pie Shakeology

The other day I got some peaches (I know they are not local since it is only June but they looked so good) at a local farm market.  My husband even said you could add them to your Shakeology (yay him for thinking of my healthiest meal of the day).

Today I did just that... I added them to my morning Shakeology. 
I had to share the recipe because it is supper yummy!  

Ingredients (21 Day Fix) 
1 scoop of Vanillia Shakeology
1 purple contaior of sliced peaches 
1/2 a banana (I always add a banana... I think it makes it creamy) 
A dash of apple pie seasoning 
1 cup water (you could add almond milk) 
1 cup ice 
Put all ingredients in a blender and blend
Then enjoy!!! 
Healthiest meal if the day!!! Ask me how you can get your own sample of shakeology now!!! 
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Sunday, June 8, 2014

21 Day Fix Week 1

I have been wanting to start 21 Day Fix since the day it came out.  I have struggled with my choices in food for ever.  When I was in high school I would eat a whole large pizza after school before cheerleading practice and then stop and get french fries on my way home. See nothing there was about healthy eating.  I keep trying to do better but just can not stay away from eating just one French fry... or 2 or 3 or 4 or a lot more.  This week I was able to do so... not once but 2 times I was able not to eat a french fry. The only way I am going to do this program is it I give it my that means no french fries.  
So here it is my before pictures... I want to share these (way out of my confront zone) because I need to show where I am now. 
When I looked at these picture I was mortified at them (I hate to say) I know that I have done a lot of work but I thought I looked better than this.I was then reminded by my husband that I have changed a lot over the last 6 months and this is the 1st time I took my before picture with a program without a tank top on.  You can really see everything that way (lol). 
The 1st week was GREAT... I ate so much food at every meal.  I knew that I was not eating enough and eating the right food at the right amount really will help with weight loss.  21 Day fix has changed how we eat in our house and it has only been one week. I am now paying attention to make sure we are all eating enough fruits... but not 2 much (3 purple containers a day for me) and veggies... we now have a veggie with every dinner and snacks at night.  My 5 year old has even tried new veggies each night.  Protein has always been my biggest problem.  When I figured out how many of each container I need and I saw that I need 4 reds (protein) I thought to myself, "how am I going to eat all of that... but I have.  my favorite snack is Greek Yogurt with coconut and chocolate chips... Yummy
Simple recipe
1 red of plain Greek yogurt
1 orange of coconut
1-2 teaspoons of chocolate chips
 I have added a drizzle of pure maple syrup my uncle makes to add some sweetness
Super Yummy!!! it is a must try. 
Here is a video to share what my week was like.  I am loving this program and can not wait to see my results after 21 Days.  After Week 1 I am down 5in from my body and 3 pounds of weight!!!!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

How Did I End Up Like This?
As a teen I can remember someone telling me I have thunder thighs, I was 17 years old and had just finished Cheerleading for the year.  I was so upset and really felt "fat"... I was 110 pounds at the time and very fit.  I have to say this has stuck with me all these years.  As a teen I never ate right, pizza, Taco Bell, Wendy's and whole bags of Cheetos (the puffy kind).

I never gained weight until college and I feel like it never stopped.  I would eat pasta with butter on it and pizza.  My dorm was across the street from a McDonald's, I was there everyday.  There was beer and junk food for the weekends.  I was in college for 6 years and for all 6 years I slowly gained weight, I went from 135lbs to 170lbs when I graduated.  When I moved home after graduating more of the same as it came to the food I was eating.  I got sick of the way I looked so I joined Weight Watchers.  I had great success but just could not keep it going.  I slowly went back to poor eating habits. 

Fast forward in to 2005. I got married this year and I started to go to the gym to "get skinny" before my big day.  I did go a few times a week... with my friend... so we talked more then really doing a good workout.  I never got to where I wanted to be with my fitness and weight loss before my wedding. 

After we got married I still did not pay attention to my eating until one day I could not take looking at me in the mirrors... so I went back to Weight Watchers.  Had some success but again could not stick with it.  I had it in my mind I know what I need to do so I just need to do it... a few gym memberships here and there but more of the same.  I just could not stick with it.

Before I knew it I was well over 200 lbs (227 when I was weighted in a my 1st prenatal visit in 2008, I am sure it was more at some point I just would never get on a scale or look in a mirror).   When I was pregnant I used it as a reason to eat what ever I wanted to. This did not help me in my weight issues.  I was very sick during my pregnancy and I ended up losing 20 pounds right off the bat.  I gained some back as the time went on.

After Kyla was born I would pay attention to what I ate here and there but never really but much work into.  I just wanted to weight to fall off... news flash it does not just fall off.  Kyla turned 1 year old and I was still blaming my weight on having a baby. 
 After looking at the picture from her birthday party I knew I had to do something.  I started to count calories using an online group.  It worked but I was not working out and at one point I ended up just standing still with my weight loss and giving up. 
I started a new job in 2011 health and fitness became a bigger thing at work.  We tried to workout together after work but were never constant with it.  My one friend and I started to skip out for Happy Hour after bad days a work... this did not help at all.
In 2013 a coworker (now friend) started a challenge group at work where we would workout with DVDs. 

 I did it here and there... at least 2 times a week but I was not putting my all into it. 
 I thought I was paying attention to my eating but looking back I know I was not doing that .  We started to do a workout called T25.  I fell in LOVE but was not ready to commit to it. Now looking back I wish I had started in July 2013. 
but I know I was not ready then to give it all I have to make these changes stick and go from being a diet to being a lifestyle.  I started T25 in October 2013 and made a such a difference in me I decide to become a Beachbody Coach. I have fallen in love with this journey to change my life and my families as it relates to health and fitness.  I hope to make this blog about my journey in losing my weight, changing my eating and teaching my daughter about healthy living.  I can not wait to share this journey with you.  This has been the biggest change I have ever made in my life and the best part... watching my 5 year old daughter workout with me and ask to eat healthy food!  That makes it all worth it.